Saturday, 5 June 2010

...... getting somewhere at last !!

I seem to have lost most of May to doing anything useful ...... mostly because of a strange episode of amnesia during which I ended up in hospital with a suspected stroke and have been awaiting a CT scan.........results yesterday and scan showed 'nothing sinister' ...... so we have to see if the doc thinks the source is worth pursuing.  meantime I had to rest......couldnt drive or exert myself physically !  Not good for decorating !!!

The GOOD NEWS is that Ive just learnt that Ive got the shopfront grant......... and am hoping teh builders can fit that work  in before the end of July... I can open in August ...... I need to be open in time for H Arts week mid September even though Im not taking part....

Light bulbs are proving a bit of a problem.....amazing waht some sellers think is 'daylight'  The last lot had an eeerie green glow !!!!   However I have now got 7 daylight hobby lamps for the painitng/display tables

Meanwhile more heavy rain showed no extra water influx... so hopefully that problem solved at last and  I can now get on with decorating and then getting the floor laid....... and I MUST pay attention to dealing with teh 'kitchen ' area!!!!

But none of this while sun shining and untl Ive got rid of this horrendous summer cold which is draining my energy right now.


Susan Fox said...

Glad you're getting back into the swing of things, Jaytee! Now don't overdo trying to get ready by August.

Stephie Butler said...

Great news about the grant Jt... Sometimes the best things take time to get right and are well worth the wait for it.....