Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Hole in the Wall.. and the Drain ?

The builder visited the gallery yesterday.........he  thinks the water entering may be related to problems with rainwater drains in the courtyard outside......will will be getting a specialised firm with drain probing  cameras to find out what's going on below ground.  

Fortunately the nasty soggy bit on the left turns out not to be anything drastic! No nasty white strands of wet rot !   But I have a feeling the opening now won't be in time for Easter.......

The snow is now 6 inches + deep after heavy falls last overnight.. I've re-instated my 'Garden and More'  blog  to show some of the best  - instead of adding them here ! :)

As soon as the snow disappears and I can get safely to the Building Supplies I shall chose a Big Letter Box and new door furniture  for the builder to install......

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