Thursday, 7 January 2010

Playing with Furniture

The good news is that things seem to be drying out slowly...... I spent a fair amount of time thisafternoon moving some of the furniture around... I found the back area could take all 6 of the 2'3"tables with chairs around them quite comfortably leaving room to walk around them and view the exhibited paintings....... if I hang permanent exhibition pieces of mine behind the tables....

This gives a painting area of 4'6"x 6'9" - one person per table.. and plenty of room for the four 2 foot square tables at the front WHEN the bar goes :)  The front area being rather larger than the back area.  The whole room is 27 feet front to back and 20 ft side to side at the widest point at the front.


The window blocked with corkboard is where Im thinking of in-filling with a new plasterboard full length panel .

Ive decided ALL the carpet goes......when the ice disappears I shall go to Wickes and check out their laminate flooring which I can lay myself economically.

Managed to break the glass taking down one of the Indian-Restaurant lampshades to see what was underneath it !  Knew I was going to but couldnt stop myself !! NO great loss!

I think I may be able to sand the tabletops and strip the chairs to a lighter shade.......a bit of gentle experimenting needed!

here is the basic layout  the yellow blobs are existing ceiling lights except the one by the fire whihc was a false lantern for atmosphere ! For scale  the green square represents 60cm/2ft


The drinks chiller, tea and coffee, kettle and shelves for cups and saucers etc will fit perfectly into teh corner opposite the kitchen door next to the fire exit.... where the freezer is now marked and next to the small sink for drinking water and brush washing !

Should have shown this ages ago for you to get your bearings !


CharM said...

You sure have your work cut out for you Janet! It's so wonderful that this is a labour of love... and it's going to be absolutely terrific!!!

jaytee said...

Char..... I hope so.. certanly by teh time you get to UK ;)